Myths & Facts About Dental Sealants

It is a heartbreaking experience to watch your child going through a toothache due to the formation of cavities. It is also challenging to develop healthy oral habits in kids that can prevent tooth decay, and you end up making several trips to the dentist near you for dental care. With this perspective, dental sealants seem to be an excellent solution for preventing dental cavities in children as well as in adults.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a paint-like coating that is applied to teeth to seal them against any prospective germ attacks and infections. It is a simple and safe procedure that does not cause any pain, hence is highly recommended for children who frequently face cavity issues. Even adults often take advantage of dental sealants in SW Calgary to lower their risks of tooth decay, since the method is inexpensive at just $30-$60 per tooth, which can be further reduced through some dental insurance plans or discounts. 

Long-term Benefits Of Dental Sealants

Dental sealants can last a lifetime, or at least a long time if the application method was performed perfectly. However, they usually need a replacement in the majority of the cases where they tend to chip, wear-out, or fall out. They should ideally be applied to children’s teeth at the age of 6, 12, and 18 when they generally get new teeth. When new teeth erupt, they form grooves called ‘pits and fissures’, primarily on molars and pre-molars. If you want to get dental sealants for your child, this is the perfect time to do it. 

Dental sealants can also be beneficial for babies with primary teeth, especially those at high risk of tooth decay, although it is difficult to perform the procedure on them because it requires the candidate to stay still and keep their mouth wide open for a few minutes.

Research data from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that dental sealants can provide 80% protection from cavities for up to 2 years after application, and continue to protect against 50% of cavities after 4 years. 

A dentist in SW Calgary can tell you how severe toothaches and cavities can get for children resulting in loss of appetite, loss of sleep, and even making them miss school time. This can be easily prevented by the application of dental sealants that ensure your child is protected against tooth decay and dental issues never become a reason for missing school!

Adults can also benefit from dental sealants in the same way as children. The risks of tooth decay increase with age as our saliva lose its protective quality with changes in its biochemistry. Except for areas where you have a restoration or a dental implant, dental sealants can be used on all other teeth. 

Common Myths About Dental Sealants

Often parents hesitate at the thought of using dental sealants on their children’s teeth due to the presence of compounds in them that form Bisphenol A (BPA) when combined with saliva. However, salivary BPA levels subside 24 hours after exposure, and there is no proven study that shows the existence of blood serum levels of BPA. In fact, there have been no reported cases of adverse reaction to dental sealants which mean that it is well received by our bodies.

Another interesting fact is that there are more chemicals than BPA present in dental materials used to treat tooth decay which should be more concerning than the BPA exposure via dental sealants.

About 43% of children are benefiting from dental sealants, though this number should be higher. The primary reason behind this is the lack of awareness around this. Also, the high level of restrictions and overregulation on preventive dentistry is becoming a deterrent in the popularity of dental sealants.

Our suggestion is to find a clinic providing dental sealants near you and book an appointment with the dentist, to get peace of mind from the fear of toothaches in your children!