The Causes of Tooth Discoloration

Unlike what many people think, teeth are not naturally white. They are yellower because the layer that provides the color is the dentin (the dentin is yellow and sometimes, kind of grey). The dentin lies beneath a translucent enamel; hence, teeth will show a yellow color.

And what happens over time? Teeth become darker due to many reasons, such as:

- Age – Over the years, the enamel wears down, and the dentin shows even more. Due to this reason, the dentition of the elderly looks yellower.

- Diet – If you consume colored foods and drinks, they will stain your teeth over time. The dentin absorbs these pigments and gets darker. 

Poor oral hygiene – If you don’t maintain good oral care, you will accumulate plaque and tartar, and your teeth will look darker. 

There are many options to whiten your teeth. For some stains, such as the ones produced by antibiotics, you may opt for porcelain veneers. For not-so-deep ones, teeth whitening near you is an excellent option.

You may benefit from our teeth whitening in SW Calgary, even if you don’t have any teeth discoloration. Perhaps you want to show a flashy Hollywood smile for aesthetics.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that a dentist in SW Calgary offers to people who want a more appealing smile. It requires a single appointment, and results may last up to two years with proper care.

The procedure consists of applying a bleaching agent over the front surface of your teeth. To do so, a cosmetic dentist near you will retract your lips and cheeks with a lip retractor. Then, they will add resin to the gum line to protect the gingiva from the whitening product (carbamide or hydrogen peroxide).

Once the gum is isolated, your doctor will paint every tooth with peroxide. They will let it act for 20 minutes, wash it away, dry it, and add a second application. It is that simple!

You will see results immediately, and you will be ready to show your improved smile to the world.

Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a safe procedure; however, it causes tooth sensitivity in most cases. It will ease after a couple of days, but in the beginning, it can be uncomfortable. 

Your doctor may prescribe desensitizing gel to alleviate it and any over-the-counter pain medication. 

Another thing that can occur is gum damage due to the peroxide. If the product contacts your gingiva by accident, you may feel mild pain (like a burning sensation). Your doctor will apply a desensitizing gel to the area, and you will feel relief right away. This situation does not happen often, but you should know it is possible.

Extend the Results

As we mentioned above, professional teeth whitening (the one in the dental office) may last from three months to two years. What can you do to extend the results?

You must brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, reduce the consumption of colored foods and drinks (if you are going to drink a dark beverage, use a straw), and avoid smoking.

Teeth whitening will last longer on a person who does not smoke and keeps excellent oral care than in a heavy smoker who skips daily brushing. You must adopt good habits if you want to see better results.

You may also benefit from teeth whitening touch-ups. Depending on your lifestyle, your doctor will recommend a frequency or another.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in whitening your teeth, contact us today. Our team will be happy to enhance your smile.