Reasons to Correct Your Overbite Using Invisalign

Your upper teeth should naturally overlap your lower teeth; however, when the overlapping is excessive, you have an overbite, and if you don’t correct it, it can lead to further issues.

Luckily, you don’t have to wait until the problem worsens; you may visit our orthodontics dentist in SW Calgary for options to treat your overbite!

When you think of orthodontics, you may think of metal braces. Sure, they are still in use, and they fix many dental issues; however, nowadays, patients look for more aesthetic options. Let’s talk about Invisalign in SW Calgary.

Invisalign is a system that consists of aligning your teeth using clear plastic trays. Among many benefits, the main one is that it is nearly invisible, hence its name. Invisalign is also known as adult braces since it is popular among grown adults who want to avoid wearing metallic devices.

An orthodontics dentist near you will evaluate you to determine if you qualify for Invisalign. If you do, he or she will probably instruct you to wear each set of aligners for two weeks, sometimes more or less, depending on your case.

Importance of Correcting Your Overbite

If you leave your overbite untreated, you can develop other problems, such as:

Risk of Cavities 

If you have too much of an overbite, your teeth tend to be misaligned and are tearing unnecessarily; hence, your enamel wears away, and bacteria can penetrate your teeth, creating cavities.

Periodontal Disease

As we mentioned above, when there is an overbite, bacteria attacks, and you are at risk of suffering from cavities but also gum disease. Bacteria will invade the space between the teeth and gum, creating a pocket and hurting your oral health. If untreated, the gum damage can get worse, leading to periodontal disease.

TMJ Disorder

The temporomandibular joint connects the temporal bone to your jaw. Any abnormalities within the area are called TMJ disorder. When your upper jawbone and teeth are overlapping your lower jawbone and teeth excessively, your joint has to work harder to keep a balance. The extra stress and pressure lead to headaches, clicks when opening or closing your mouth, jaw pain, and more.

Oddly Shaped Face

Often with a misaligned maxilla, your facial structure changes, making you look older. If it is your case, you can look for Invisalign near you to move your upper teeth into their right position, looking younger and prettier.

Speech Impediments

People with an overbite experience speech impediments. It can be difficult to pronounce some sounds; therefore, not only orthodontic treatment can help, but also speech therapy. A combination of treatments can be very successful in these cases.

Low Self-Esteem

Studies show that many people who have an overbite or any other dental issues have a decrease in their self-confidence. They are self-conscious of their smiles and may feel embarrassed about talking to others. Treating your overbite can also restore your self-esteem and making you feel happier and confident enough to show the world your beautiful smile.

If you made it this far, now you know that Invisalign near you can fix an overbite and even boost your self-esteem.

Thanks to modern dentistry, aesthetic orthodontics are now possible. In Bow Trail Dental we have a team of excellent dental professionals that will evaluate you and offer you a wide range of options, depending on your wants and needs.

If you have any other questions regarding this topic, feel free to contact us. Your health is the most valuable thing, so don’t postpone your free consultation and call us at your earliest convenience.