7 Must-Do Tooth Care Tips for Families

Regardless of how old you are, maintaining proper oral care is a must! However, for families with small children, maintaining (or starting a routine) can be challenging. That said, we have put together a few of our top tips to ensure that your family maintains teeth that are both strong and healthy. If you find that you still need some guidance after consulting these tips, there are several options for family dentistry near you that can provide additional pointers. 

1. Maintain Your At-Home Dental Routine

It is essential to brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once to ensure you are minimizing the chances of gum disease and tooth decay. By making this your routine, you will not only have a beautiful smile, but your children will be quick to follow your example. Showing your children that brushing their teeth can be fun will go a long way in adopting your practices. 

2. Remember Healthy Teeth Start from The Inside

From a young age, it is essential to eat a well-balanced diet. Your diet should consist of the recommended servings of grains, protein, dairy and fruits and vegetables for your age bracket. This is because calcium and protein-rich foods such as dairy products and lean meats play a vital role in preserving and regeneration of tooth enamel. It is also recommended to supplement this diet with omega-3 fats, which can be found in certain types of fish or fish oils.

Parents should also encourage your children to avoid excessive amounts of sugar food, including soft drinks. Replacing these foods with healthy alternatives is a known way to reduce the chances of tooth decay.

3. Protect Your Teeth from Injury

Both contact and non-contact sports can indeed be dangerous. If your kid participates in leisure activities with the potential for injury or has recently joined a sports team at school, a custom-fit mouthguard from a dentist near you might be necessary.

4. Learn and Be Ready to Teach Your Kids the Proper Way To Brush

There is a proper way to brush your teeth, including a combination of circular motions, back and forth strokes and placing your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle. The sooner you and your children learn these techniques, the better set up you will be for a lifetime of proper oral hygiene. 

5. Use an Appropriate Amount of Fluoride When Necessary

Fluoride is known to prove tooth enamel so much that it is often added into your water without many knowing it. If your water is not fluoridated already, you might consider reaching out to a dentist in SW Calgary to seek out their fluoride treatment recommendations. That said, for children, there is such a thing as too much fluoride. Your dentist can advise you accordingly.

6. Avoid Smoking and Encourage Your Kids To Do The Same

The bottom line is that tobacco in cigarettes can stain your teeth and increase your chance of oral diseases. For those who currently smoke, it is encouraged to try to avoid these practices and teach your kids to avoid it altogether. 

7. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

It is essential to make checkup appointments to visit a dentist near you regularly. It is recommended for children that within six months of them getting their first tooth or before their first birthday, it is necessary to book your baby's first visit to a dentist in SW Calgary. Following this initial appointment, regular checkups every six months will ensure proper tooth growth and cleaning. These intervals are recommended for those well into adulthood since, in dental cleaning, a dental hygienist will remove plaque build-up that you might not be able to clean off with your at-home dental routine.

For those looking for options for family dentistry in SW Calgary, we encourage you to visit us at Bow Trail Dental. Our dentists can also help provide tooth care tips that will ensure your family continues to build excellent oral care patterns that will support your children over a lifetime.